First, choose a difficulty
Watch closely for a micro-expression
Click on the emotion you saw
Further details
Beginner: Images are shown for 3 seconds
Intermediate: Images are shown for 1 seconds
Expert: Images are shown for 0.5 seconds
Master: Images are shown for 3 seconds. Four image sets are mixed together.
You will be shown 7 facial expressions (28 for Master difficulty).
The 7 possible expressions are: Neutral, Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Surprise.
As you complete sets, you can check your overall stats below. Keep in mind these stats will be lost when the page is refreshed.
Learning to read micro-expressions bears with it a certain responsibility, and the ethics of learning to read
emotions someone may not want to show you should be seriously considered. IMERSE is intended to be used by those
who have difficulty with interpersonal relationships due to an impaired ability (for any reason) to understand
social cues based on the emotional reactions of those around them. You can read more about the ethics of
learning this skill from Dr. Paul Ekman on his site here.